What our latest clients got from our full programme
Welcome to our new blog series, now that businesses are slowly returning to work in some form or another, we are changes the emphasis of our blog to be more about moving forwards and achieving, rather than coping and reflecting. Whether you’re at work, still furloughed or working from home, the content will still be relevant to you. The notion of “Back to Work” is more a statement about positioning rather than your literal place of work.
This week we had the last Bi-weekly live gathering of the current cohort in our fully digital immersive programme. In that 4-month programme, delegates spend 2 weeks, deep-diving one of our subject areas, and then at the end, they join the live call to discuss learning and once a month have a one-to-one with one of our coaches. We measure their progress in terms of their perception of how they feel against various markers, and we also get their line managers to rate their performance. I’ll save the statistics for a later blog, once we have all the scores in, but needless to say, they look like they have made some strong improvements, despite Covid-19.
Today I want to talk about the outcomes they expressed in our final gathering.
We asked them:
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme?
I was bowled over by what I heard.
Delegate Number 1
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
I don’t think it’s specifically helped me reflect, but I have enjoyed some aspects more than others.
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme
I loved the Inner Chimp model, it really helped me
Simply smiling more, can you hear me smiling now?
The Eulogy exercise, really made me reflect and realise we are just a moment in time.
Delegate Number 2
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
I’ve spent last couple of weeks reflecting on the different parts of the course. On reflecting, I found more value than I did at the time. And realised how much I enjoyed it, although it was hard work at times.
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme
The importance of Sleep, I had undervalued this in the past
Eating Frogs (overcoming procrastination) - tackling issues head-on rather than let issues bottle up
How everything impacts everything else, how a healthy week affects everything else. How it’s a long term journey around energy.
Delegate Number 3
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
It’s been difficult to implement aspects at work as I was furloughed.
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme
I need to listen more and learning to put the phone down and actually listen to people talking.
Taking my breaks
From the drawing yourself exercise, appreciating what I have
Delegate Number 4
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
Even though we all know about energy and wellbeing, we don’t really take time to think. I found that useful yo make small changes
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme
Not putting stuff off. Not being the ostrich putting the head in the sand.
Improving my sleep by 2 hours a night!
Better responses from others due to the approach I take as I’m not so tired and grumpy!
Delegate Number 5
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
It has made me more conscious of it. You get into a routine of just getting stuff done, you don’t stop to question yourself about your energy and wellbeing. Reminding myself to go to bed. Celebrating and noticing when I’m feeling energised. Feel less guilty about putting me first.
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme (Delegate 5 was so excited, they gave us 6!)
Eulogy exercise - I didn’t actually do it, as I thought it might be too hard, but since then I’ve been thinking about it a lot. “When I’m gone, will this thing I’m worried about really matter? Helps you put things into perspective
Does my work really align with my purpose? I think this will have a significant impact on my life going forwards.
Think less about other peoples’ expectations of me
The videos in Grit about overcoming setbacks and failure
Anchoring (An NLP technique) - This had a massive impact for me in practice, and when I actually used it, it made me feel better.
Eating a Daily Frog!
Delegate Number 6
How has the programme helped you reflect on your energy and wellbeing?
Really interesting to learn more generally about it and what we can do.
What are your three biggest takeaways from the programme
Getting rid of tech before bed
Eulogy - made me reflect on how grateful I am for what I have
Making time for exercise
Setting out my intentions for the week on a Sunday
As you can see, each delegate got a unique experience and set of outcomes from the programme, although some of the exercises completed, such as the Eulogy and Eating a frog resonated with a few of them. In next weeks blog, I’ll explain a little bit more about those two exercises.
If you’re interested in finding out more about our energy programme, please get in touch.